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Code contributions are welcome.

Setup your machine

  • Clone the repo:
git clone


The documentation uses Material for MkDocs. A fork is maintained which makes a couple of minor aesthetic changes.

The documentation pages are maintained in the ./docs directory of the repository. To make small edits it is recommended you click on the Edit this page icon (see top right of this page), which'll take you to Github and prompt you to make a pull request.

For larger changes, you can use the following make task:

make serve-docs

That builds and runs the documentation site on your workstation at http://localhost:9999. Any changes you make to the documentation are reflected in real-time in the browser.

Before running the make task you'll need to install some python packages:

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt

Screenshots in the documentation are largely automated. The browser-based integration tests produce screenshots at various steps. If the environment variable OTF_DOC_SCREENSHOTS=true is present then such a test also writes the screenshot into the documentation directory. The following make task runs the tests along with the aforementioned environment variable:

make doc-screenshots

SQL migrations

The database schema is migrated using goose. The SQL migration files are kept in the repo in ./sql/migrations. Upon startup otfd automatically migrates the DB to the latest version.

If you're developing a SQL migration you may want to migrate the database manually. Use the make tasks to assist you:

  • make migrate
  • make migrate-redo
  • make migrate-rollback
  • make migrate-status

SQL queries

SQL queries are handwritten in ./sql/queries and turned into Go using pggen.

After you make changes to the queries run the following make task to invoke pggen:

  • make sql

HTML path helpers

Rails-style path helpers are generated using go generate. The path specifications are maintained in ./http/html/paths/gen.go. After making changes to the specs run the following make task to generate the helpers:

  • make paths

Web development

If you're making changes to web templates then you may want to enable developer mode. Once enabled you will be able to see changes without restarting otfd.

OTF uses Tailwind CSS to generate CSS classes. Run the following make task to generate the CSS:

  • make tailwind


To install tailwind first ensure you've installed npm and then run npm install -D tailwindcss

Developer tooling

modd is recommended to automate development tasks:

  • Automatically restart otfd whenever changes are made to code.
  • Automatically generate Go code whenever SQL queries are updated.
  • Automatically generate path helpers whenever path specifications are updated.

A modd.conf is included in the OTF repository. Once you've installed modd, run it from the root of the repository and it'll perform the above tasks.

The following make task runs not only modd but watches for changes to Tailwind CSS classes (see above) and generates CSS:

  • make watch -j

The -j flag permits both modd and the tailwind watcher to run in parallel.